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St Magnus Cathedral Orkneygraphite pencil study | Four Fortunasoil painting on board |
Border Terrierwatercolour pencil | line artink and wash |
Springers!ink and watercolour on paper | handing on the batondigital illustration |
let me see yougraphite pencil drawing | portrait in oils |
Big Head portraitwatercolour and ink | Labradoodlegraphite pencil study |
Bulldogoil painting on canvas | cottagegraphite and colour pencil |
little Big Headwatercolour pencil and ink |
I create portraits of people or animals in a variety of mediums from simple sketches in charcoal or line art cartoons right through to finished oil paintings on canvas. I also offer a full framing service.
Each portrait is completely hand-produced over many hours or days as I use layers of colour to build a three-dimensional effect and to ensure the likeness is highly accurate.
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